Heartland Therapeutic Equestrian Camp's "Horseplay Stables" (in Fredonia) hosted a 1 week camp recently, where 3 Consumers from Whole Life attended for 2 days. Linda Paolucci , owner of HTEC and Brenda, the camp's director provided various activities and opportunities for those who attended. These included grooming ponies, holding cats, riding horses, therapeutic riding (placing a ball in various basket stations around the course) which focused on improving hand/eye coordination.
The participants also created crafts, including horse head ornaments (made from cinnamon, applesauce, and glue), coloring horse pictures, and stringing pipe cleaners together to make a bridal. Each participant also received a photo of themselves in a horseshoe frame.
Those who participated loved their time there and all wish to go back and do it all over again.
Story By: Mark Buchanan
Photos By: Christine Hamilton/Laura Kahl